Live Weather Conditions in Teignmouth

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Current Teignmouth Weather at 14:40 GMT on 27/07/24
Air Temperature* 21.3 °C Dewpoint Temperature 14.2 °C
Grass Temperature* 26.1 °C Relative Humidity 64 %
10cm Depth Soil Temperature 19.4 °C 30cm Depth Soil Temp 17.8 °C
Rainfall Since 00:00 GMT 0.0 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Leaf Wetness (0=dry to 15=wet)* 0 10cm Depth Soil Moisture* 47 cb
Wind Direction* SE 10 min Average Wind Speed* 0.0 mph
Mean Sea Level Pressure  1017.5 hPa Pressure Trend (past 3 hours) Rising Slowly
UV Index* 1.6 Sunrise / Sunset Times 4:35 / 20:05 GMT
Moon PhaseLast Quarter    
Weather Forecast from Console Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Review of June 2024. Monthly mean air temperature = 15.9C (0.5C above long term average (LTA) (1991-2020)), the coolest June since 2019 when the mean air temperature was 15.3C. Mean daily maximum temperature = 20.4C (1.4C above LTA). Mean daily minimum temperature = 11.4C (0.4C below LTA). Highest air temperature = 24.6C on 25th. Lowest air temperature = 6.9C on 7th. Lowest grass minimum temperature = 5.0C also on 7th. Highest air minimum temperature = 16.2C on 26th. Days with air frost = 0. Days with ground frost = 0. So far during 2024 5 air frosts and 33 ground frosts have been recorded.

Monthly total precipitation (measured in manual 5 inch diameter copper rain gauge) = 7.4mm (13% of LTA). This is the driest June since 2018 when 3.2mm was recorded. Davis rain gauge total for June 2024 = 8.2mm. Wettest day recorded by copper gauge = 4.5mm on 13th (the 13th covering the period from 9am GMT on 13th to 9am GMT on 14th). Days when precipitation total 0.2mm or greater = 5, 1mm or more = 2, 5mm or more = 0, 10mm or more = 0.

Annual review for 2023. Overall mean temperature = 12.65C (1.00C above LTA). Mean maximum temperature = 15.95C (1.05C above LTA). Mean minimum temperature = 9.35C (0.95C above LTA). Overall 2023 was the warmest year in my record that extends back to 2008. The record was previously held by 2022 which was just 0.06C cooler than 2023. Highest temperature during 2023 = 27.9C on 13th June, some way below my record temperature of 31.8C recorded on 17th June 2022. Lowest air temperature = -2.7C on 2nd December. Air frosts = 13 (LTA = 11.1). This was one more than in 2022 (6 in Jan, 4 in Feb, 1 in Nov and 2 in Dec). Ground frosts = 50 (17 in Jan, 17 in Feb, 6 in Mar, 1 in Apr, 4 in Nov and 5 in Dec), 5 less than 2022. There are no long-term statistics for grass frost in Teignmouth although my average for the period 2009-2023 is 64 grass frosts (and 11 air frosts for the same period). Total rainfall (manual copper gauge) = 1120.4mm (128% of LTA). This was somewhat more than the 802.6mm that I recorded in 2022. 2023 was the wettest year since 2014 when I recorded 1131.4mm. Wettest day of 2023 was 3rd Dec when 32.4mm was recorded. Rain or heavy dew amounting to 0.2mm or greater was measured on 219 days, 31 more than in 2022. During the period 2009-2023 the annual average was 200 days.

Posted at 09:50 GMT on Monday 1st July 2024.

Today in Teignmouth (since midnight 27/07/24)
Temperature & Humidity
Highest Air Temperature * 22.2 °C at 13:01
Lowest Air Temperature* 11.4 °C at 3:26
Grass Minimum Temperature* 8.9 °C at 3:15
Highest 10cm Soil Depth Temperature 19.4 °C at 14:05
Lowest 10cm Soil Depth Temperature 16.7 °C at 6:27
Highest Relative Humidity 87 % at 5:24
Lowest Relative Humidity 55 % at 13:04
Rainfall, Leaf/Soil Moisture
Rainfall Since 00:00 GMT 0.0 mm
Highest Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr at ----
Highest Leaf Wetness* 13 at 5:30
Lowest Leaf Wetness* 0 at 7:22
Highest 10cm Depth Soil Moisture* 48 at 6:04
Lowest 10cm Depth Soil Moisture* 46 at 0:00
Highest Wind Gust* 8.0 mph at 9:53
Air Pressure
Highest Mean Sea Level Pressure 1017.5 hPa at 14:35
Lowest Mean Sea Level Pressure 1014.3 hPa at 3:30
UV Radiation
Highest UV Index* 5.2 at 12:53

The tables above show weather conditions recorded by a Davis Vantage Pro 2 automatic weather station sited in Teignmouth, South Devon. They are usually updated every 10 minutes. All times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), so add one hour for British Summer Time (BST).

* Air temperature is measured 1.9m above ground level and the anemometer is just 2.2m above ground level in a NNW/SSE oriented valley. The wind direction is therefore heavily biased towards either the up or down valley direction and the anemometer is very sheltered from the prevailing westerly flow by higher ground directly upstream. The thermistor that measures grass tip temperature only has a resolution of 1 degree Fahrenheit and this has been automatically converted into Celcius to the nearest 0.1 degrees. A grass temperature of < 0°C indicates the occurrence of a ground frost (air temperature < 0°C indicates an air frost). The leaf wetness sensor monitors the level of surface moisture on foliage and hence the occurrence of dew, fog, drizzle, rain etc. Soil moisture is measured in centibars (cb) [0-10cb = saturated soil, 10-30cb = ground adequately wet, 30-100cb = ground needs irrigating to maintain maximum production, 100-200 cb = ground dry. ]. The strength of the sun's ultraviolet radiation is expressed as a UV index and was developed by the World Health Organization. As a guide 0-2 = low, 3-5 = medium, 6-7 = high, 8-10 = very high, 11+ = extreme. You can safely stay outside if UV is low, and it is recommended that you wear sunscreen if levels are moderate or higher, and seek shade if levels are high or above. In Teignmouth UV levels reach 7 in mid-summer and may reach 8 on exceptional days.



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